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Easy Guide for Foreigners' Year-end Tax Settlement

  • Poster 운영자
  • Date 2006.12.11.
  • Read3055

제목 없음

Considering the
ever-growing population of foreigners furnishing service or carrying on business
in Korea, we strongly feel that it is important for our administration to provide
them with proper guidance and assistance.

Therefore, National
Tax Service have introduced various tailored taxpayer services such as「Help-line
for Foreign Taxpayers (397-1440)」, 「Foreign Taxpayer Advocate」and 「Q&A
section by E-mail」
at our english web-site. We also published
a number of books on Korean tax system for foreign taxpayers.

is prepared to present a brief explanation
of the Year-end Tax Settlement for wage & salary income earners
focusing on foreigners. The important changes in legislation enacted in 2006
have been incorporated within this guide and we have reproduced the relevant
pages of the filing forms as a cross-reference to this guide.

This guide deals
with general principles and may be no substitute for expert advice. However,
we sincerely hope that this guide is of interest and benefit to readers from
all walks of life.

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