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Korean Taxation 2006

  • Poster 운영자
  • Date 2006.07.26.
  • Read3370

제목 없음

July 24, 2006

style="font-family:Arial; letter-spacing:-0.3pt; mso-fareast-font-family: ¨IoUAAA¡§u; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-fareast-language: KO">Korean Taxation 2006 presents the basic principles and rules of
the Korean tax regime in a relatively brief and manageable format. For full
text, please find the attached.

The Korean government introduced tax reform measures in
with the main focus being placed on furthering economic vitality
and boosting growth potential, addressing the issues of aging population and
widening gap between the rich and the poor as well as stabilizing real estate
market. The tax reforms in 2005 are also designed in a way that ensures broadening
tax base through the phase-out of non-taxation benefits and tax incentives,
promoting balanced development of all areas of the nation and enhancing convenience
for tax payers.

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