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NTS Annual Report 2004

  • Poster 운영자
  • Date 2005.07.01.
  • Read2872

제목 없음

This report outlines what we have done in FY 2004 and briefly touch on what
we will do in FY2005. In particular, given the magnitude of cross-border transactions
and the resulting international tax issues, this report gives a brief explanation
on how we deal with those international tax issues.

PartⅠof this report outlines our new vision and mission. PartⅡ, entitled
"Key Activities," explains initiatives that we launched to accomplish
our mission

Part Ⅲ outlines how we deal with international tax issues, the significance
of which has increased substantially these days. PartⅣ shows how we plan to
deal with future challenges. Lastly, we have added some practical information
at the end of this report for our readers to obtain a better understanding of
our organization.

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